Summer time means more work but we love gettin' out,
playin' in the dirt & seein' things grow.
We got our tomatoes planted and three different kinds of peppers. Wanna
get a couple more kinds! Wanna get a few green beans out! May plant a few green onions, if I can still find 'em.
Maybe more things, if I can find room.
I worked in the strawberry garden!
Boy, are we gonna have some strawberries, if we can keep birds outta there.
We gotta get a nettin' up!!
We just had 50 plants that we got last year, and had them in an 8' X 8'
square. We made it twice as big, this year. I just transplanted from the older plants, as they had made a
lot of new plants from last year, to put in the other side. They all have lots of little strawberries all over them.
I can just taste the "strawberry shortcake" now!!
Gotta get that nettin' up!!
Last year, I had a time with the birds eatin' 'em.